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CS2 Skin Wear Levels and Float Values: The Ultimate Guide to Skin Quality, Wear Ratings, and Conditions

We're all hooked on CS2 for its competitive atmosphere and the great emotions we get from winning a tough game. However, CS2 skins also give us great emotions. Skins decorate your weapons, adding various drawings, pictures, and designs. Skins have become an integral part of the game.

Many users are incredibly passionate about them and even collect them, but there are a few nuances that you must know! Namely, you need to know about such important things as wear levels and float values. So, discover the Secrets of CS2 Skin Wear Levels Today!

Now, let's talk in more detail about CS2 (CS:GO) skin wear and CS2 (CS:GO) skin float value and find out why they are so important in the world of CS2 skins.

What Are CS2 Skin Wear Levels?

After reviewing the CS2 (CS:GO) skin quality chart above, let's talk about the most important thing when it comes to skins: CS2 (CS:GO) skin wear levels. After all, we choose CS:GO skins not only for their appearance but also for their quality.

The same CS2 (CS:GO) skin of different quality can look completely different - beaten up, worn out, scratched, and generally unattractive. It would be a shame to buy a desired skin without knowing the nuances of such a purchase, so it's crucial to understand everything about skin qualities in CS2.

In addition, to quickly assess how damaged skin is and avoid spending time examining each skin in detail, the game uses the concept of skin wear levels. CS2 (CS:GO) skin wear levels are the main indicator that tells you how badly a skin is damaged.

Here are five CS2 (CS:GO) skin wear levels:

  • Factory New

  • Minimal Wear

  • Field-Tested:

  • Well-Worn

  • Battle-Scarred


The name of each CS2 (CS:GO) skin wear level already gives a pretty good idea of the condition of the skin you want to buy, and usually, that's enough. However, if you want to buy an expensive skin, you should know the nuances that we'll describe below!


CS2 Float Values Explained

In CS2 (CS:GO), a skin's float value is a more precise indicator of its condition than skin wear levels. This is because the float value is a decimal number between 0.00 and 1.00, reflecting the degree of skin wear and tear.

CS2 (CS:GO) float value of 0.00 means the skin is in perfect condition, the best CS2 (CS:GO) float value, and is free of any scratches, while a value of 1.00 indicates it's completely worn and heavily damaged, affecting its appearance.

To make it easier to understand all these numerical values, specific names are assigned to describe the quality of the skin. Hopefully, this explanation has clarified the concept of CS2 (CS:GO) wear rating.

  1. 1.Factory New:

    0.00 - 0.07

  2. 2.Minimal Wear:

    0.07 - 0.15

  3. 3.Field-Tested::

    0.15 - 0.38

  4. 4.Well-Worn:

    0.38 - 0.45

  5. 5.Battle-Scarred:

    0.45 - 1


When buying expensive skins, it's crucial to understand the numerical value indicating the skin's wear and tear level, as skins of the same wear level can vary significantly in appearance.

This is especially true for Battle-Scarred skins, as this skin wear level encompasses a 50% range of wear rating. This means you could purchase a Battle-Scarred skin in very poor CS2 (CS:GO) skin condition or one that still looks quite decent. Therefore, it's important to pay attention to the CS2 (CS:GO) skin float value.

Detailed Chart of CS2 Skin Wear Levels

As you can see in the photo, the same skin can vary significantly, making it one of the most important parameters. The visual appeal of a skin directly affects its price. Everyone wants pristine skin without scratches, but not many are on the market, which increases demand and consequently prices.

Factory New 0.00 - 0.07


Minimal Wear 0.07 - 0.15


Field-Tested: 0.15 - 0.38


Well-Worn 0.38 - 0.45


Battle-Scarred 0.45 - 1


You might not see a big difference between Factory New and Minimal Wear CS2 (CS:GO) skins. The Minimal Wear skin is a bit worn, but it still looks good. You can still see all the important details and sharp lines.

Field-Tested CS2 (CS:GO) skins are more worn out. You start to see bigger scratches and damage.

Well-Worn CS2 (CS:GO) skins are very different. The main pattern is still there, but it's really damaged and worn. But some Well-Worn CS:GO skins still look cool because you don't see the damage that much. For example, AK-47 | The Empress looks almost the same as the Factory New one, but it's a bit darker.

Battle-Scarred CS2 (CS:GO) skins are the worst. Most of these skins look really bad. You can't see a lot of the details, and the main pattern is very damaged. But there are some exceptions. For example, AWP | The Prince still looks pretty good, even though it's Battle-Scarred.

The easiest way to get FN skins is cheap cases on BountyStars.


How Wear Levels Impact Skin Value and Trading

As you may already know, the same skin can look different, meaning the prices for each quality will vary greatly. It is especially true for skins of the 'Covert' rarity.

After all, Covert skins are the rarest skins from cases, with a drop chance of only 0.13%, so the prices for Covert skins with Factory New quality is sky-high. That's why it's important to understand the difference between skins.

Anyone can try to open cases on their own and get such rare skins, but if you don't know how case opening works, we have a good guide for you!


Sometimes, players who are not very familiar with the game try to sell their skins quickly and don't even think about the fact that it may be very high quality, with an excellent float value.

There are even cases when the float value has some interesting number, for example, 0.121212 - such skins can also be interesting for collectors who collect skins with interesting float values. So be sure to check your skins. You may find something very rare and interesting. Knowing this information, you can easily conclude whether a skin with such a float value is expensive or not.

CS2 Skin Wear Level Categories Explained in Detail

Although we've covered the topic enough for a basic understanding, there's still a lot of information that you'd definitely find interesting and useful, so we've specially prepared a few mini-articles for you where you can learn all the secrets of CS2 skins!

Factory New

Chcete vědět, která kůže je nejdražší na světě? Zajímá vás, proč některé kůže stojí jmění? A jaký je velký problém s továrna nová? Tento článek má všechny odpovědi, které potřebujete!

Minimal Wear

Pokud hledáte nejlepší rovnováhu mezi kvalitou a cenou pokožky, doporučujeme vám přečíst náš článek o minimální opotřebení! zde , najdete zajímavé informace o kvalitě kůže a trochu historie.


terested terested Je nejoblíbenější kvalita kůže mezi všemi hráči, ale co se skrývá? Dozvíte se vše o testování v terénu v tomto článku!


Mezi životem a smrtí. well-worn-kvalita, která vyvažuje mezi dvěma státy. Ale je to opravdu tak špatné? Dozvíte se vše o kvalitě rozpočtu dobře opotřebované v tomto článku.


well-worn-nejvíce nejpočet nejpohodlnější kvalita pro hráče, ale stojí za to si vybrat pokožku s nejnižší kvalitou. A jaké nuance jsou skryty v bojičku? Zjistěte vše o této kvalitě právě teď v našem článku.


Best Practices for Evaluating CS2 Skin Wear Levels

Having learned so much about skin rarity and the rare float values of many CS2 (CS:GO) items, users undoubtedly want to check their own skins, as they may find something interesting that could be worth a lot.

Several methods are available to check a skin's quality and float value:

  1. To check your skin's wear rating in-game, go to your inventory and inspect the skin. At the bottom, you'll see additional icons. Click on the 'i' icon. A small dark window will open with additional information about the skin. Look for the 'Wear Rating' value. For example, you might see 'Wear Rating: 0.001010'. This is the value we're interested in.

  2. Check the float values using third-party tools. You might ask, 'Why do we need other services if I can check each skin myself in the inventory?' The answer is simple: because it's convenient. Just imagine checking 50 skins: you need to open each one manually, look at it, close it, and repeat this process 49 more times. With third-party tools, you transfer all information about the quality directly to the site's server, and it provides it to you in a convenient format. Moreover, it's very fast and safe!


For unique value's collectors

If you specifically aim to find unique float values, you should know a few interesting combinations that could be valuable among collectors!

  • 0.000001 - The better the skin quality, the better. This can interest collectors as your skin can be the best in quality, and it doesn't even matter what skin it is.

  • 0.12345678 - A sequence of numbers is also highly valued. It's really cool to have a skin with such a sequence. Many people also collect such combinations.

  • 0.2222222- Identical numbers can also be a good investment for many collectors, which is why it is worth paying attention to such combinations as well.

  • 0.44554455 - Repeating numbers, although they are not as popular. However, you will definitely find someone interested in such a unique CS2 (CS:GO) float value.

  • 0.99999 - Surprisingly, some participants cost a fortune in the nomination for the worst skin in CS2. Just imagine a skin that is 100% destroyed but costs more than its perfect copy. On the contrary, many collectors collect the worst skins in the game to brag about them.

Summing Up!


CS2 (CS:GO) skin wear and CS2 (CS:GO) skin float value are a broad topic that hides many details. However, we've tried to uncover as many as possible so that you can easily explore CS2 skins.

BountyStars.com can help you in your exploration of skins, trading and CS2 case opening, as it contains a lot of different information that will help you succeed!


What is the best wear level for CS2 skins?
The best wear level is considered to be Factory New, as skins of this quality are perfect and do not have any damage. However, it's important to understand that the better the quality of the skin, the higher its cost.
Can a skin's float value be changed?
No, float values cannot be changed in any way. Float values are a fixed indicator of how damaged your skin is.
What is a good wear rating in CS2?
This is a very subjective characteristic, but most players consider a good wear rating to be anything below 0.15.
What does CS2 skin wear mean?
Skin wear is a numerical value that shows how much a skin is damaged. Every skin in the game has this random value, ranging from 0.00 to 1.00. A 0.00 rating means the skin is perfect, while 1.00 means the skin is 100% worn.
What is 0.07 wear rating?
A wear rating of 0.07 qualifies as Factory New. If your skin's wear is between 0.00 and 0.07, it falls into this category. However, a rating from 0.07 to 0.15 is classified as Minimal Wear.
Do skins wear out in CS2?
Definitely not. In CS2, skins do not wear out over time. You can use a skin with a 0.05 wear rating for 1,000 or even 10,000 games, and it will still remain at 0.05 quality.
How do float values affect gameplay?
Float values have absolutely no impact on gameplay. Float values indicate the level of skin wear, affecting only its visual appearance.
Why are Factory New skins so expensive?
Factory New skins have a high price as FN skins look perfect, and no scratches or scuffs are noticeable. Many users want to own such a skin, and it's because of the high demand that the price is so high.
Do CS2 skins wear over time?
No, if you get a skin with a wear rating of 0.20, it will always stay that way, no matter how much you play with it.
What are the wear conditions in CS2?
There are five wear conditions in CS2: Factory New, Minimal Wear, Field-Tested, Well-Worn, and Battle-Scarred. These indicate how damaged a skin is.
Is 0.03 a good float in CS2?
Absolutely. A 0.03 float is an excellent rating for your weapon, as it means the skin is only 3% damaged. From experience in CS2, this level of wear is almost unnoticeable, so a 0.03 or even 0.07 wear rating is considered very good.
What are the different skin levels in CS2?
There are five skin levels in CS2, which differ based on how much damage they show. The best level is Factory New, followed by Minimal Wear, Field-Tested, Well-Worn, and Battle-Scarred.
What is the rarest skin in CS2?
The rarest skin in CS2 is AWP Dragon Lore, although many argue that M4A4 Howl is even rarer. However, both are extremely rare and almost impossible to obtain. If you want to buy one, you must spend at least $30,000.
Which skins look better in CS2?
That's a tough question because it really depends on your personal preferences. However, many players like skins such as AK-47 | Wild Lotus, AK-47 | Aquamarine Revenge, Desert Eagle | Blaze, and M4A1-S | Vaporwave, etc. Ultimately, it's a matter of taste, so choose what you like without relying too much on others' opinions.
What are the tiers of CS2 Skins?

There are seven skin tiers in CS2, each with different chances of dropping:

  • Consumer Grade (150)
  • Industrial Grade (134)
  • Mil-Spec (363)
  • Restricted (256)
  • Classified (149)
  • Covert (88)
  • Contraband (1)
What are the levels of wear rating in CS2?

There are five different wear levels for weapons in CS2:

  • Factory New (FN): from 0.00 to 0.07
  • Minimal Wear (MW): from 0.07 to 0.15
  • Field-Tested (FT): from 0.15 to 0.37
  • Well-Worn (WW): from 0.37 to 0.45
  • Battle-Scarred (BS): starting from 0.45

The higher the number within the 0.00 to 1.00 range, the more wear and damage the skin shows.

What is the range of CS2 floats?
All CS2 skins have a float range between 0.00, where the skin looks perfect, and 1.00, where the skin looks the worst.
Is lower wear rating better in CS2?
Yes, if your skin has a wear rating of 0.0001, it means it's nearly perfect and less than 1% damaged. Such skins are highly valuable on the market, and you can either sell them for a good price or enjoy using such a beauty yourself.
What is the wear rate in CS2?
The wear rate is a numerical value that indicates skin damage. This value is random and ranges from 0.00 to 1.00.
What makes a CS2 skin good?
Two factors determine whether a CS2 skin is good: its rarity and its quality. For example, a Covert skin with Factory New (FN) quality is considered good. An example is the new M4A1-S | Vaporwave (FN).
What are the CS2 skin rarities?

CS2 skins come in several rarity levels, each differing in drop chance and market value:

  • Consumer Grade (White)
  • Industrial Grade (Light Blue)
  • Mil-Spec (Blue)
  • Restricted (Purple)
  • Classified (Pink)
  • Covert (Red)
  • Contraband (Orange)
  • Extraordinary (Gold)
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Bounty Stars. All rights reserved
Company name: Reponex LTD
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